Sunday, March 8, 2020

Should We Cast Out Demons

Today we are asking a very important question. Should we, as Christians, be casting out demons?

The short answer: Yes. We probably actually need to considering all the different doorways we, as humanity, give demons nowadays.

Jesus cast demons and impure spirits out of people, see Mark 5:1-20 for an example. As Christians this is one of the things that we should be doing.

Forgive me if you are already doing this, but I haven't seen or met anyone personally who incorporates this into everyday life.

One of the main reasons we don't cast out demons anymore, is we feel like other people would call us crazy.

"Puft, demons don't really exist." -Random person. That's exactly what a demon would say. As President Theodore Roosevelt once said, believe it and you're halfway there. This point works completely in a demon's favor. If you don't know they are there, you can't cast them out and they can continue to play.

The second reason is the theory of boiling a frog. Put a frog in hot water and it will immediately jump out. Put a frog in lukewarm water and slowly raise the temperature and you will have a cooked frog.

We have become comfortable in our world and our view of it. One hundred years ago, everyone knew how babies were made but no one spoke about it. Don't get angry at me for this point, it is only an example. I will have a completely different post on sexuality later. For this example, we are going to understand the sex outside of marriage between one man and one woman is a sin.

This type of sin is wild and acceptable in our media. Try watching a television show or reading a book without running into this sin. The demons who have this sin as their main job are thriving and we don't even notice it, because we have become comfortable with them invading our hearts and minds.

On the other side of this same point, some of us Christians have pointed the sword towards the wrong enemy. What is one of the main horror stories that is thriving about Christian families? Christian parents kicking out their homosexual children. Instead of acknowledging that a demon found a doorway into our homes and expelling that demon, Christians invite more demons of hate and regret into their family.

Imagine that is just an example of one specific type of sin. Now think of all the horror movie commercials you've seen recently. Every last one is a doorway in which a demon can enter your life.

A third and completely valid point comes from the Bible, Acts 19:13-20. This is the reason that one of my previous pastors gave me when I brought up the topic of casting out demons many years ago. More specifically in verses 14 through 16, the writer of Acts mentions the seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, going around casting out demons  using the name of Jesus Christ. We can assume that some lower level demons didn't want to risk disobeying an order involving the name of Christ or some people were not truly possessed as the sons of Sceva eventually came across an evil spirit possessing a man that responded, "Jesus I know, Paul I know about, but who are you?"

My pastor at the time used this passage as an example as to why not everyone should cast out demons, and I do believe that he was teaching in the best interest of his congregation. However, I do not believe that this one passage means we shouldn't cast out demons.

This passage warns against false faith. The seven sons of Sceva were using Christ's name in exorcisms, not because they believed that Jesus died for their sins but because they had heard others use the name of  'Lord Christ' in other exorcisms done by a true follower. Without becoming born again through Christ these men went to a demon and tried to cast him out. The demon reaffirms their false faith in saying that he knew Jesus (Every demon knows Jesus), they knew about Paul (more on that below), but who were they to claim the power to cast him out?

First, every demon knows Jesus. Before the fall of man there was a fall of angels. The fall of angels is where we get our demons from. Jesus Christ is one part in the Trinity that is God. So all the demons we have and will ever encounter knows Jesus because they used to call Heaven home.

Second, the demon knew about Paul. We can assume the demon mentioned here hadn't met Paul directly yet. Paul would have cast out the demon with the authority of Christ backing him. Problem solved. However the demon knew about Paul? Why? Paul was just another Christian, not Christ. Why would the demon know about Paul? One simple explanation is that angels of Heaven rejoice whenever a soul comes to the Father through Christ, we can assume demons have the opposite reaction, but perhaps they have the same knowledge. Perhaps angels deliver restraining orders to demons on behalf of believers. We don't know the details. This demon only mentioned Paul because Paul was a true believer in Christ and had the authority to cast the demon out.

What does this say about the sons of Sceva? Not one of them had the authority to cast out demons, and we can assume they were not true believers in Christ.

So as Christians should we cast out demons?

The answer is still yes. Christians should cast out demons, using the authority of Christ to do so.

However if you are not certain in your belief the answer is no. Demons aren't the three inch dude dressed in red on one of your shoulders telling you to do bad things. Demons are ancient spiritual beings that can deal great harm to you and yours if you tick them off and don't have the protection of Christ.

I don't like scaring people but if you are worried about this, pray. Ask for forgiveness for your sins. If you haven't prayed that first prayer of asking Jesus Christ in your heart as Lord and Savior, do it. Find a good Bible based church to help you walk in your faith.

Until next week, may Lord Christ bless you!

Verses Used In This Post (NIV)

Mark 5
Acts 19